The Resignation Of General Washington, December 23, 1783
John Trumbull
Alexander Hamilton
John Trumbull
A Reconnaissance
Frederic Remington
Wee-sheet, Sturgeons Head, A Fox Warrior
George Catlin
The Advance Guard
Frederic Remington
Red Jacket, Seneca Chief
Charles Bird King
Pah-te-coo-saw, Straight Man, Semicivilized
George Catlin
Pash-ee-pa-ho, Little Stabbing Chief, The Younger, One
George Catlin
Haw-che-ke-sug-ga, He Who Kills The Osages, Chief
George Catlin
No-ho-mun-ya, One Who Gives No Attention
George Catlin
Bi-eets-ee-cure, Very Sweet Man
George Catlin
A-wun-ne-wa-be, Bird Of Thunder
George Catlin
John Trumbull
The Misses Mary And Hannah Murray
John Trumbull
D.g. Yuengling Jr. Brewing Co., Bock Beer
Louis Deutz
American Bog Plants. I Fetid Pothos. II Pitcher Plant. IIi
Robert John Thornton
On-daig, The Crow, A Dandy
George Catlin
Mahalia Jackson Easter Sunday
Milton Glaser
Abraham Lincoln
George Peter Alexander Healy
Patrick Tracy
John Trumbull
Timothy Dwight
John Trumbull
Study For Moses And The Burning Bush
Henry Ossawa Tanner
Zachary Taylor
James Reid Lambdin
Uncle Tom And Little Eva
Robert S. Duncanson
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Thomas Edgar Stephens
The Old Corcoran Gallery Of Art
John H. Cocks
American Beauties
Harrison Fisher
Rutherford Birchard Hayes
Daniel Huntington
Franklin Pierce
George Peter Alexander Healy
The American Cowslip
Robert John Thornton
Americans Will Always Fight For Liberty
Bernard Perlin
A Bit Of War History, The Veteran
Thomas Waterman Wood
A Bit Of War History; The Recruit
Thomas Waterman Wood
The Death Of General Mercer At The Battle Of Princeton, 3
John Trumbull
Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. With Mrs. Trumbull
John Trumbull
Heres A War Job For You!
Adolph Treidler
He Did Not Think So In 92
Udo Keppler
Buy Now For The Bigger 7th War Loan Through Payroll Savings
The Crowd As It Looks To Theodore
Samuel Ehrhart
Carrying Fodder
Frederic Remington
Theodore Roosevelt
John Singer Sargent
Americas Food Pledge 20 Million Tons
George Washington
Gilbert Stuart
Thomas Jefferson
Rembrandt Peale
Dont Let Up Keep On Saving Food
Francis Luis Mora
View Of Schroon Mountain, Essex County, New York
Thomas Cole
Jobs For Fighters
Gordon Grant
Sugar Means Ships
Ernest Fuhr
George Washington And William Lee
John Trumbull
Portrait Of A Man
John Trumbull
Lieutenant Thomas Grosvenor And Servant
John Trumbull
Grow It Yourself Plan A Farm Garden Now
Herbert Bayer
Mrs. Charles Deering
John Singer Sargent
Sarah Trumbull With A Spaniel
John Trumbull
A Good Shot, Adirondacks
Winslow Homer
The Navy Needs You! Dont Read American History Make It!
James Montgomery Flagg